BloodGuts UK Horror Awards 2016
2016 in summary...
Upon reflection, 2016 has been a fantastic year for horror. A year that has seen no big franchise sequels, no Halloween hootenanny (the only horror film in UK cinemas was the original THE BOY) and no restriction to where the horror is, 2016 has been the year of horror and here is why;
TV - Not only a continually gory run for THE WALKING DEAD (we had no eye-dea what we were returning to with the season 7 premiere) but 2 series have really stolen the limelight this year. ASH VS EVIL DEAD has shown that no matter how dead a franchise may seem, it's return with the cast and crew of its origin will always forge its legacy. Season 2 of the series came back with a bang and not only made it's mark that this was as much a part of THE EVIL DEAD as the movies, but also that TV may be the future for many known horror franchises. The second was the surprising return of another franchise, THE EXORCIST. Gena Davis pulls her best Jessica Lange in a career reviving role as... we're not going to give too much away but it needs to be seen to be believed at how successful this series has been and that it is the sequel the original shocker truly deserves.
Theatre - On the subject of THE EXORCIST, the theatrical adaptation hit Birmingham this Halloween and we were not left disappointed. A faithful adaptation of the 1973 film with amazing special effects bringing every scene of horror to life. Not to mention the voice of Sir Ian McKellen as Captain Howdy himself to add another layer of fear to proceedings.
Music - The UK was graced with the presence of a horror legend on tour this year. Not for a screening, not for an intimate Q&A but John Carpenter was on the road playing classics from his movies as well as his solo music efforts. Audiences wee not left disappointed as accompanied by his band and background visuals performed an evening of classics to much applaud.
Videogames - At the opening of the year there were two words on the tip of everyones talk and it had every horror fan salvating. Those words were not in relation to a movie but a franchise that fans had been part of for over a decade. SILENT HILLS had the creative talents of series creator HIDEO KOJIMA, horror direcotr GUILLERMO DEL TORO and THE WALKING DEAD star Norman Reedus. Unfortunately due to an unforeseen fallout with Konami, Kojima left the project and has since moved on with the team for DEATH STRANDING. This now looking like an entirely new game yet still with the creative leads of SILENT HILLS looks to be THE game to watch out for in 2017. Throw in the mix a new and invigarated style for RESIDENT EVIL and an enticing sneak peak of FRIDAY THE 13TH and this year has been the warm up for many horror gamers to be proud of.
2016 saw us produce our first screening event of Rob Zombie's freak show that was 31 at The Electric Cinema and furthermore as a success has confirmed we'll be screening more previews across 2017.
So, as we remain with what's left on film, the following nominations further prove that the horror genre has had plenty to shiver about this year;