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BloodGuts UK Horror Awards 2016 - The Films

Best Original Film

  • The Witch

From its release back in Februart, THE WITCH lingers on as 2016's best horror film. From it's isolated setting to the unnerving appearance of Black Philip, everything about THE WITCH is still screaming under the skin months after its original release. Anya Taylor-Joy's debut appearance has set the ground for things to come and her career will sky rocket from here. The brave decision to set the film in a time when not only family and religion, but language differed and has effectively been bought to screen to as much shock and awe as the ral events that inspired it. What is most refreshing is that THE WITCH feels fresh in a story that has essentially come a million times before, to match the arthouse cinematography is met to a solid confusing without leaving any ambiguity of the events unfolding, something ingenius in a sea of films that leave it's most pivital moments left for interpretation for the viewer.



  • Green Room

  • The Shallows

  • Nocturnal Animals

  • The Boy


Best Prequel/Sequel/Remake

  • Ouija: Origin of Evil

In 2014 BlumHouse planned a new franchise based on the the Hasbro game, OUIJA. Upon the release the film didn't set the world alight so when the sequel was announced for a 2016 release, buzz was low. Yet from the release of the first trailer to the end product, everything about ORIGIN OF EVIL was bigger and bettr than the good-not-great original movie. Mike Flanagan only gets better as his previous films (ABSENTIA, OCULUS) have already put his name in lights. It's a tough catergory to have chosen a winner and 2016 has proven that the release of sequels does not have to be blood money from the cinemagoer. A return to the BLAIR WITCH franchise was a success and even a surprising sequel to CLOVERFIELD made this a good year to reconjure faith in horror franchises.



  • Blair Witch

  • 10 Cloverfield Lane

  • The Purge: Election Year

  • Sharknado 4


Best Short Film


Kevin Kopacka's sequel to HADES is another rabbit hole of mythology and personal struggles, this time focussing on the 7 circles of Hell. Surreal, mind-bendng, brilliant, Kopacka's passion for horror and Lynch-arian nightmare is a beauty to behold. From the cinematography to the hypnotic soundtrack, TLMEA is an amazing short that promises a third entry hopefully in 2017.



  • 12 Kilometres

  • Innsmouth

  • The Stylist

  • Valentines Day (from anthology film HOLIDAYS)


Best International Film

  • Train to Busan

The world of horror has had an exceptional impact on international waters seeing the first horror film from Slovenia (IDYLL) and a plethora of other movies due to hit our shores in 2017 including Park Chan-wook;s THE HANDMAIDEN and Portugal's THE EYES OF MY MOTHER already receiving rave reviews overseas. With horror from Turkey (BASKIN), Norway (EVOLUTION), Iran (UNDER THE SHADOW) and Korea (THE WAILING, TRAIN TO BUSAN) there is no doubt about the quality of scares is universal in any language and this has been the toughest catergory to call a winner. TRAIN TO BUSAN takes the top spot and with good reason. While UNDER THE SHADOW and THE WAILING had stronger stories of personal struggle against the supernatural and BASKIN is a blood drenched gorefeast for the eyes, TRAIN TO BUSAN is the most memorable blast of fun this year. Zombies on a train may be an easier title but it does exactly what it says on the tin and gives a brilliant survival thriller with heart.



  • Under the Shadow

  • The Wailing

  • Evolution

  • Baskin


Best Independant Film

  • Jennifer Help Us

Our definition of an independant film may differ to others but we consider this as a catergory to recognise those films that have a shoestring budget yet still pull off a fantastic film. Sometimes these movies will be overlooked and even have no distribution due to their nature and lack of advertising but they are certainly not movies to miss. JENNIFER HELP US is such a fiulm and its limitations well managed on a low-budget. From the tense nerve shredding terror to its blood soaked finale, JENNIFER HELP US is a love letter to an era where horror was a mainstream pull for teens and is a reminder of how fun being scared can be.



  • Fetish Factory

  • Don't You Recognise Me

  • BB

  • She Who Must Burn


Re-Release of the Year

  • Bride of Re-Animator (Arrow Video)

For some time we've awaitied the rerelease of an all time classic and in 2016 that came in a gift box that meant Christmas came early. Wrapped up with features and a prequel comic book, the beauty that is THE BRIDE OF REANIMATOR is this years must have reissue. Coming in 2 versions, theatrical and unrated, the conversion is testament to Arrow Video's passion for bringing yesteryears classics to a wanting and new audience. Never has Dr Herbert West looked so fresh in glorious HD and accompanied by his Frankenstein monsters, the action of a cult classic is rightfully treated as the gem that it is.



  • Hellraiser: The Scarlett Box (Arrow Video)

  • Donnie Darko (Arrow Video)

  • Assault on Precinct 13 (Second Sight)

  • Hex (88 Films)

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