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If Michael Bay was to direct a supernatural movie, SPECTRAL would be it! Big guns, big explosions, big budget action all take centre stage in a film that can only be described as TRANSFORMERS meets GHOSTBUSTERS within a videogame.


SPECTRAL is layered with evolving enemies and boss battles all added with an arsenal of more effective weaponry and a mad principle that an army of the future can consist of the souls of the dead. This is less about story and all about the popcorn action that plagues cinemas each summer.

For a straight to Netflix production, SPECTRAL holds its own with budget alone. Despite a relatively unknown cast, the visual spectacle of CGI should be seen on the big screen and gives much of the big Hollywood studios a run for their money. At no point, can this film be called dull and the action is a feast for the eyes. When the apparitions show, expect action on a biblical proportion, the only way that director Nic Mathieu could inject more testosterone is if the star billing was given to Arnold Schwarzenegger.


At no point does SPECTRAL attempt to complicate matters and instead keeps its story simple for audiences to indulge in the dramatics. The cast do well to keep the story moving but certainly won’t get any standout recognition here but that is what SPECTRAL is all about. No need for in depth discovery, this is popcorn cinema with a supernatural twist, and it’s done well.

Director: Nic Mathieu

Released: 2016

Running Time: 107 minutes

Age Rating: 15


Reviewer: Martyn Wakefield


Plot: 3
Fear: 1
Gore: 1


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