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 Ben Wheatley hit the ground running faster than Ussain Bolt with 2011’s ‘Kill List’ a frankly depressingly horrific modern day ‘Wicker Man’ that has been highly regarded as a stroke of genius. Not much pressure then for Wheatley’s next work, ‘Sightseers’ and with a well received trailer shown at last year’s FrightFest, expectation was raised even higher.

When lovers Tina and Chris (brilliantly portrayed by Alice Lowe and Steve Oram) set out for a vacation across the British countryside a bit of calm and tranquillity from everyday life turns into something extraordinary.


OCD driven Chris’ gets unhinged at the slightest things and we know we’re in for a darker side when their first stop at a tram museum sets Chris into a raginger temper after someone drops a wrapper. When they accidentally run a man over on the first day of their trip, their adventure develops quicker than a match lit at a petrol station. Tina’s dim witted charisma is brilliantly bought to life by Lowe and when she tries everything in her path to impress Chris’ approval things go a little overkill.


Some scenes that will have you crying in laughter, followed by bemusement and culminating in a ‘Oh-my-God-they-did-not-just-do-that’ hands covering face moment. And that is pretty much every moment in the film. Some people have flippant remarks, but these simpletons have flippant murder sprees.


Within ‘Sightseers’ there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s darkest moments wrapped up in a fuzzy cuddle of freshness and naivety that you can’t help but love this couple and want the best for them. And if you thought the end to ‘Kill List’ was horrific, ‘Sightseers’ will have you in silence for a very long time after viewing this. There is no comfort, there is no laughter, and there will be a kick in the gut.


When one viewing is not enough, upon further repeats the innocence that unravels, becomes more of a darker manipulation and 'Sightseers' will leave you with sleepless nights deciding if what has unravelled before you is in fact hidden behind darker motives.


A film that will have you crying with laughter from start to finish with intervals of shock, awe and down right depression. A (very) dark British humour from the guy who worked with some of Britain’s comedy staples (Johnny Vegas in ‘Ideal’ and Steve Coogan in ‘Steve Coogan: The Inside Story’) this is not a family film but what it does hold is a very menacing drama that sees a lovable couple turn into something far more sinister. ‘Natural Born Killers’ filmed in rural England, doesn't sound menacing but deep within its knitted jumper, ‘Sightseers’ is Britain at its best.

Director: Ben Wheatley

Year: 2012

Running Time: 88 minutes

Age Rating: 15


Plot: 5

Fear: 1

Gore: 4


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