Miss Violence
On her 11th Birthday, 11 year old Angeliki (Chloe Bolota) ends her life by jumping from the balcony of her family’s apartment. What follows is an unravelling of events that show what led such an innocent child to take such drastic action.
Deeply underlining the current financial woes of Greece, director Alexandros Avranas hits a raw nerve of shatteringly graphic nature. Whether the economical issues surrounding the country at this time lead to such events is another investigation entirely but what Avranas manages to pull off is a disturbing insight into the evils of desperation and the level of control one person can have.
For those who have seen the likes of ‘Dogtooth’ will know what territory we are in here and in some parts is even more shocking. Despite its themes, it does build slowly to the reveal, a little slower than needed, but nevertheless does not blur the end result. Even when all seems to be final, there is a closing that feels uneasy on the viewer, a description which best sums up the film in its whole.
It’s pastel tone and beige surroundings matches up with the lives of those within the family. There is nothing bold to be seen in the pallette of ‘Miss Violence’ from clothes to wallpaper, but it is the performances which hold stark comparison as their beige appearances mask a darker reality.
The family unit is built up of the unnamed Grandparents with Eleni (Eleni Roussinou) mothering her three remaining children. Her dormant expressionism is beautifully portrayed and makes the story of how she is ever more dramatic. Themis Panou is forever unnerving as the Grandfather of the house and his efforts to ensure that bread is on the table are the worst in cinematic history, it is however, eldest daughter Myrto (Sissy Toumasi) who challenges the authority in the household who is the standout star of the film. The brutal reality of her way of life pushed back to a normality that would be the death of many, yet her defiance goes on deaf ears in the family household, only to push “Father” to seek help from the youngest child.
‘Miss Violence’ is brutally harsh but a film that not only reflects a broken economy but a film that holds some truly terrific performances and one that won’t be forgotten anytime soon. Rest assured there is no happiness here.
Director: Alexandros Avranas
Year: 2014
Running Time: 92 minutes
Age Rating: 18
Language: Greek
Plot: 4
Fear: 4
Gore: 2