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Call Girl

From the outset, ‘Call Girl’ is a thing of beauty. From the décor to Laurence Harvey’s rugged elegance, there’s something that makes you fall instantly in love with this 5 minutes of film.


A late night online chat sees Harvey indulge in some conspicuous activity all while nervously awaiting a call girl (Tristan Risk). Soon after her arrival and discovering the web cam is still switched on, Harvey’s intentions are a little more brutal than the call girl could have first imagined. Luckily she can stand up for herself and doesn’t take things lightly as he boasts about his latest actions.


A simple plot with a very small running time work well for a story which doesn’t need anything else. Harvey and Risk gives a fantastic performances and with the Human Centipede and American Mary under their résumé prove once more that here lie two stars to look out for.


Whether it’s Tristan’s eyes on the camera or Laurence’s excitement at what he’s done, from script to screen, ‘Call Girl’ is an achievement for all involved. Jill Gevargizian has placed herself on the watch list for things to come and with an assisting role for the ‘ABC’s of Death’ coming later this year, she has shown the previous 26 directors how it should be done. ‘Call Girl’ would not be amiss in an anthology film and stand tall on its own, a truly wonderful slice of brutal horror that is as simple yet holds a multitude of inner dialogues, from the submissive impressions of call girls to the deeper anonymity of chat rooms.


Even the music by Colin Lacativa is of such a high standard that it feels wasted that ‘Call Girl’ is merely just a 5 minute short. Are there other “Call Girls”? Who else is in the Chat Room? How did Harvey’s character get this way? Surely this can’t be the end and a testament to Gevargizian that there is so much more to offer.

Director: Jill Sixx Gevargizian

Year: 2014

Running Time: 6 minutes

Age Rating: TBC


Plot: 4
Fear: 3
Gore: 3


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