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6 Movies to Watch Before Seeing Blood Drive

This August SyFy channel is proud to present the UK screening of BLOOD DRIVE. 13 episodes of blood, brawn and babes on the highway to hell. BLOOD DRIVE is the bloodiest show on TV and if you think you’ve seen enough, think again.


Set in a dystopian future, contestants are pit against each other in a race across America, however there’s a twist… These cars don’t run on petrol, they run on blood. If Quentin Tarantino made DEATH RACE, this would be the end result.

Robert Rodriquez’ grindhouse rehash reinvented the genre. With enough pulp friction and star casting, PLANET TERROR is the perfect companion piece to BLOOD DRIVE. Zombies, girls and visual flare abound, the film is a pure charm to indulge in. If you haven’t already, make sure you catch this classic movie with plenty of blood and fun amidst the A-list actors who couldn’t resist the simple throwback to when cinema was a joy to watch.


3. From Dusk Til Dawn (1996)

With a different horror trope each week, BLOOD DRIVE is a truly unique series in that it not only blends the charm of exploitation horror classics, it also indulges in the genres greatest moments whether that be cannibals, mental asylums or even cults, there is no sub-genre that is safe from the journey ahead.


To celebrate the release of high octane thrills of SyFy’s BLOOD DRIVE arriving on screens from August 10th, here are six awesome grindhouse movies to get you in the mood.


1. Death Race 2000 (1975)

Like BLOOD DRIVE, the central story is so against horror that anybody could start watching it and suddenly squirm under the sofa when the blood starts spilling. Where BLOOD DRIVE centres around a cross country race, FROM DUSK TIL DAWN is a robbery tale gone wrong… with Vampires. Harvey Keitel and George Clooney hold up hostages after a botched robbery but when they settle in a bar the real threat makes itself known as the settlement is home to a vampire clan who are out for new blood. With Rodriquez’ trademark penchant for blood and smoozy visuals, FROM DUSK TIL DAWN is a violent, gory blast to enjoy.


4. Drive Angry (2011)

This list would not be genuine without including Roger Corman’s cult classic. Forget the glossy reboot starring Jason Statham, we mean the cheap and cheerful 70’s gem that has plenty of entertainment under its bonnet. The Sylvester Stallone vehicle may look dated but there’s still charm in the WACKY RACES-esque innocence versus the dramatic deaths. There’s no tension hear but it does have plenty of cheese and it’s a great starting point for some blood fuelled racing frolics.


2. Planet Terror (2007)

What better film to get you in the mood for a 13 episode trip than a return trip from Hell. Nicholas Cage is the subject of a hell bound soul who returns to the living to save his daughter, accompanied by a flame guzzling Dodge Charger. Not only does DRIVE ANGRY prove that Nic Cage could have been a great GHOST RIDER, it also smuggles in a cosy bad ass who has no qualms in spilling blood.


5. Turbo Kid (2015)

There’s an absence of MAD MAX on this list and it almost made it, that was until TURBO KID came along and gave us more blood, more bonzo, more action than any of the four entries in George Miller’s pioneering classics. TURBO KID is every eighties kid’s fantasy and captures a blend of innocence with sheer violence and bloodshed, something the hero of BLOOD DRIVE shares too. Exploding heads, duels on bikes and a blade throwing nemesis, TURBO KID is violent, gory and a whole bunch of fun to boot.


The Running Man (1987)

Based on a story from Stephen King, there’s little in terms of horror in this adaptation but it has adrenaline pumping throughout all of its muscular veins. The big man himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger must survive a series of televised games if he is to survive but each game is accompanied by an opponent set to prevent him from passing, any means necessary. If there’s one thing THE RUNNING MAN has more than quotes, it’s blood and Arnie is not afraid to fill the screen with the red stuff. Plus there’s an honourable mention to his shiny yellow suit that really need to make a fashion comeback!


BLOOD DRIVE is screening every Thursday exclusively on SyFy from August 10th 2017.

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