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The Tall Man


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre​
A family of cannibals are discovered by a group of teenagers only to end up killed in exuberantly gory ways. Tobe Hooper’s banned film still brings shock and that infamous chainsaw revs up the terror in this timeless classic.
Plot: 3 Fear: 3 Gore: 5


Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Sacrificing the tension for laughs this doesnt take itself too seriously and Bill Mosely gives a timeless performance

Plot: 2 Fear: 2 Gore: 4

Typical Stephen King's thriller focusing on character development, very haunting and graphic gypsy curse tale
Plot: 4 Fear: 3 Gore: 3

The Thing​
Now this goes as both the 2011 Prequel and the 1982 classic. We strongly advise you watch them back-to-back as did we, to get the full effect of both films sense of paranoia and horror. John Carpenter truly is a master of horror and scene for scene he captures the tension between the crew as they sift through each other to uncover who is the "thing". Matthijs van Heijningen manages to capture Carpenters fear of the unknown with both films using amazing special effects to capture the "things" morphing and great actors who make the "things" presence real even when not on screen.
Plot: 6 Fear: 6 Gore: 6


The Thompsons


Tokyo Gore Police

The title says it all in this bonkers midnight movie where plot and tension replaced with an ocean of claret
Plot: 3 Fear: 2 Gore: 5


…or Hostel on a Train, what it lacks in originality it makes up in torture porn bloody but seen it all before and better
Plot: 2 Fear: 4 Gore: 5

The Tunnel​
Descent found footage with a seen it all before format but damn that 'thing' is scary, worth watching
Plot: 2 Fear: 4 Gore: 2


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